Saturday 21st January 2023 – Potteric Carr

Leaders : Joyce & Paul Simmons.

Despite the AGM being cancelled, a total of 8 members attended for the scheduled walk around Potteric Carr.

As in the previous week the temperature remained below freezing throughout the day, but today there were foggy conditions staying until after lunch when a weak sun finally made an appearance.

The foggy condition made the sighting of any birds difficult during the morning but after the lifting of the fog, the bird count began to increase.

An unusual sighting was that of a fox walking across the frozen water in front of the Piper Marsh hide in the afternoon.

Bird species recorded.

Mallard, pheasant, wood pigeon, moorhen, coot, B H gull, herring gull, buzzard, magpie, crow, wren, goldcrest, thrush, long-tailed tit, blue tit, great tit, chaffinch, bullfinch, blackbird, robin.

Saturday 7th January 2023 – Doncaster Naturalists’ Society New Year Walk, Fairburn RSPB reserve.

Leaders : Joyce & Paul Simmons.