Sheffield Daily Telegraph Monday 23 September 1929


A party of naturalists from Sheffield and Doncaster visited on Saturday the pleasant woodland of Sandall Beat, near Doncaster, preserved by the Corporation for public use. The occasion was a joint meeting of the Sorby Scientific and (ho Doncaster Scientific Societies for a fungus foray. Several species of fungi were obtained and identified by Councillor E. Snelgrove. B.A.

In an interesting discourse after tea. Mr. Snelgrove described the results of the search and made practical suggestions of great value to students of this branch of botanical science.

To the long spell of fine, dry weather he attributed the comparative few finds this year. Fungi, unlike ordinary green plants, require for their nutrition complex organic compounds; these, in the most assimilable state, are produced in periods of moist atmospheric conditions.

On the motion of Dr. S. P. Rowlands, Doncaster Scientific Society, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Councillor Snelgrove.