Sheffield Daily Telegraph 27 March 1908

Interesting Exhibition at the Mansion House

The members of the Doncaster Scientific Society held their annual conversazione at the Mansion House last night by permission of the Mayor (Alderman J. F. Clarke.) The whole of the fine suite of rooms was utilised, the principal part of the exhibition being in the dining-room the exhibits covering many branches of scientific research.

Various interesting objects were shown under microscopes, having been lent by Messrs. Golledge, F A. Jordan, M H. Stiles, H. J. Sharp, Tonkinson, G. Winter, W. Roberts, G.B. Bisat, G H. Grreenslade, Dr. Corbett, Mr Cuttriss, and Miss J. Faunt and Miss Cooke.

An exceedingly interesting collection of lantern slides were shown by Messrs. G.W. Philips, J. Beetham, M.H. Stiles, E. Winter, and H.V. Corbett. Mr. W. S. Bissat had on exhibition geological specimens collected at Brodsworth and Bentley, where mining operations are being carried on. Specimens of archaeology had been drawn from the local museum. Mr. Bunting, of the Brodsworth Colliery, exhibited specimens of safety lamps used m the mine, beginning with the original kind and ending with a suggestion for the future consisting of a tiny electric lamp. In the physical and electrical department were X-ray and other electrical apparatus, and radium, lent by Mr. T Cattris, barograph and barometric charts by Mr. W. Morris, a record rainfall in 1907 by Mr. M.H. Stiles, and a local temperature chart by Mr. G.W. Phillips.

Chemical experiments were given by Mr. Woodall, and during the evening the visitors had the pleasure of hearing an interesting lecture on a visit to Mexico by Mr. W. Cash, of Halifax. At intervals musical selections were rendered by Mrs. Knight, the Misses Brown, Frood. and Nodes, and Messrs. Cooke, Firth, Greenslade, and McKenzie.

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 30 April 1908


At the annual meeting of the Doncaster Scientific Society last night, Mr. J. H. Greenslade presiding, it was stated that the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union will hold its meetings in Doncaster this year.
Dr. Corbett was elected president, Mr. R. Matson, secretary and Mrs. Corbett assistant secretary.